Recently I discovered I have in fact actually wasted water for nearly three years. I learned that I need to re-adjust the Dual Flush by Danco. The URL for my original installation video is:
If you are like me and did not verify that in fact we are using less water, now I can show you my method so that you can double check your dual flush system and re-adjust it if necessary to save water.
This video only applies to the Dual Flush made by Danco since the Fluidmaster Duoflush has a different design, and does not have the same problem.
Please check out the video for Fluidmaster system through this link:
During the filming of the Fluidmaster video, I re-visited the Dual flush Danco design. It was a gut-wrenching experience to learn that I had wasted water every day after my installation 3 years ago of a device that was installed for the purpose of saving water.
The Danco installation guide only has one diagram about adjusting the water, without a strategy to measure and compare the amount of water actually used. The instructions only say that when the Green Slide or Blue Float is down, that means less water drains. This video is very necessary to complete the installation. So please share this video with other people so that we save water.
Anyway, one lesson we learned this time is that you need to actually measure the water you flush down. You need to measure both the quick flush as well as the full flush. You may count your money carefully, but you also need to pay attention to your tank so that you are not flushing your hard-earned money down the toilet.

A few toilet or plumbing related issues can be found below:
Best Bidet: How to Select, Install and Use a Bidetr
5 Different Ways To Make Your Toilet Use Less Water
Toilet siphon effect, when plunger, auger and snake fail:
Big Mystery of the Adjustable Toilet Flapper Solved
5 Ways To Unclog Toilet Using A Garden Hose
How To Unclog Bathroom Sink
How To Unclog Kitchen Sink