Google Voice Shutdown 3rd Party VoIP Interface

Google Voice Shutdown 3rd Party VoIP Interface

Google Voice is going to shutdown the XMPP VoIP interface for 3rd party products such as ATA (for example Obihai device) or GrooVeIP apps. This will happen after May 15, 2014. So at minimum you need to do something about it because after that date those 3rd party products will not be working.
While Google voice is still free, this will cause some inconvenience. At the end of this video, I will give you one solution. Since we still have some time before May 20014, this video will focus on the big picture such as what is Google Voice, what is VoIP and how do they work. If needed, I will compare different alternatives in another video. The goal is to have free or very cheap voice services. This video also is a good starting point for people who want to cut the phone cord, stop paying your phone bill and move to something free or cheaper.